On July 21, 1927, John and Leona Brost brought their daughter Georgia into the world. She was the fourth of 15 children. Georgia was baptized at Holy Rosary Church in Medford, Wisconsin, and attended the parish school where she was taught by the School Sisters of St. Francis.
Upon completing high school, Georgia entered St. Joseph Convent, Milwaukee, a long way from Medford and family. She was the fourth Brost girl to join the School Sisters of St. Francis. Georgia’s three aunts, Merillin, Ann Marie, and Eileen Marie, also born in Medford, preceded her.
At the age of 19, she was received into the School Sisters of St. Francis in June of 1946, receiving the name Sister Virginia. After Vatican II, she changed back to her baptismal name, Georgia.
During her novitiate, she began her education at Alverno College. Sister Georgia went on to teach in many Catholic schools in Illinois and Wisconsin for 27 years. She then continued teaching in the Milwaukee Public School System for 39 years while living at the Motherhouse. During this time, Sister Georgia taught children in the inner city with much success. She also made friends among her co-workers which continued into her retirement years.
Even though she retired from teaching, Sister Georgia still had the energy and the desire to serve. She assisted at St. Joseph Center Chapel Liturgies as Eucharistic Minister and lector. She also ministered to the needy and the inner city children. She volunteered in the Hispanic migrant program in Beaver Dam, then at the Hmong Peace Academy in Milwaukee, and lastly at Prince of Peace until 2015.
A ministry close to Sister Georgia’s heart was the bread ministry in which she participated each Saturday morning and some days during the week here at the Motherhouse. She was an organizer and took the distribution of bread to the poor very seriously. She did this for almost 20 years.
Sister Georgia celebrated her 70th Jubilee in religious life with her classmates in 2016. This celebration was a very special time for her. She experienced “perfect joy.”
In 2017, as Sister Georgia’s health began to diminish, she came to Sacred Heart. She found the change very difficult, but she was an example to all as she did her daily walking exercises in the corridor.
Sister Georgia, we thank you for the many years you have given to the School Sisters of St. Francis and for your dedication to teaching God’s children and feeding the poor. You listened to the words of Jesus, “When I was hungry, you gave me food.” May God’s love fill you for all eternity.
And now I would like to add:
In 1956, Sister Georgia’s brother Fred was ordained a priest for the Superior Diocese. What a joy for the whole family! These last years, Sister Georgia always kept his picture close at hand and would say, “I hope he can have my funeral because he had the funerals of our three aunts, but he’s retired now.”
Age and the Coronavirus have made it impossible for Father Fred to have her funeral, so Father Fred is watching the video with the rest of the family and the School Sister community, celebrating Sister Georgia’s life.